Gothberg Farms Tour and Potluck

You Are Invited: Gothberg Farms Tour and Potluck

Sunday, August 12, 2012
11:30 am - 3 pm
15203 Sunset Road
Bow, Washington
$5 per person (covers the cost of facilities and staff to tour the farm)


Friends from Slow Food Seattle told Rhonda Gothberg they would like to come up to the Skagit Valley and visit her farm and cheesemaking facility. She agreed and said let's make it a party, and invited the Slow Food Skagit River Salish Sea community, too, for a potluck!

Situated in pastoral Bow, her place is the perfect spot for a summer picnic. Bring a favorite locally sourced dish to share, as well as a beverage (beer and wine are okay), your own plate and flatware, and a lawn chair or two, if convenient. We will tour the facility, chat with each other about our beautiful area and our shared Slow Food values, then share a meal.

Consider checking out some of the local food spots afterwards with a self-guided tour of Slough Food, the Breadfarm, and Taylor Shellfish (Samish, in Bow).

Please RSVP to or via the Facebook event! Limited to the first 50 people.