Today is Terra Madre Day! Celebrate Local Food, Enjoy the "Ark of Taste"


Today is Terra Madre Day! It's an international day set aside to celebrate local food.

There's no formal Slow Food Seattle event today, but please do stay tuned to see what we have in the works for 2014. Our leadership team has been discussing many really delicious possibilities for members and we hope to start announcing new events as we head into the new year.

In the meantime, you can celebrate local foods in your own home today and any day! One way is, of course, shopping locally for local produce.

Or consider checking out one of our Pacific Northwest products listed on Slow Food's Ark of Taste.

The Ark of Taste is a special project of Slow Food, with the mission to "rediscover, catalog and promote foods that are closely linked to specific communities and cultures but are threatened by industrial standardization. Today the Ark lists more than 1,100 unique foods from 50 countries. The Foundation has set an ambitious goal to board thousands more products over the next few years, tracking them down in every corner of the planet to provide a great step forward in protecting edible biodiversity."

What does this mean? It means the Ark of Taste is dedicated to making sure some of our most delicious foods don't go extinct! And to save them by eating them, and encouraging others to get to know these special ingredients.

You can explore the whole list here, but here are some ideas for something you could do for Terra Madre related to the Ark of Taste for dinner tonight!

You could...